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Haiti declares state of emergency amid violence, inmates on the run

Time:2024-06-03 21:46:17
This screen grab taken from AFPTV shows tires on fire near the main prison of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on March 3, 2024, after a breakout by several thousand inmates. At least a dozen people died as gang members attacked the main prison in Haiti's capital, triggering a breakout by several thousand inmates, an AFP reporter and an NGO said on March 3. "We counted many prisoners' bodies," said Pierre Esperance of the National Network for Defense of Human Rights, adding that only around 100 of the National Penitentiary's estimated 3,800 inmates were still inside the facility after the gang assault overnight on March 2. (Photo by Luckenson JEAN / AFPTV / AFP)

This screen grab taken from AFPTV shows tires on fire near the main prison of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on 3 March 2024, after a breakout by several thousand inmates. Photo: LUCKENSON JEAN/ AFPTV / AFP